Desi Boyz
Desi Boyz
Maksat Connection
"You're weird!"
Those words are the last you wanna hear but they ring in your head like an alarm bell. What do you do? State control!
People call people all sorts of things, using labels to define behaviour and experiences. Our jobs are to destroy those tethers that are holding you back and to let you see that it doesn't really matter what the world thinks of you!
This episode is all about diving deep into purpose and state control. Sometimes, you'll want to listen to the devil sitting on your shoulder and sometimes, the angel dude makes more sense because perception is just an aspect of reality. What you perceive to be true will always be true for you, so listen to this episode if you want some solid insight into changing your perception and frame! Setting a purpose for yourself sets the tone of how your reality is shaped.
Join Sam and myself as we explore Sam's encounter with 'Sunglasses Girl', my encounter with a 'Walking Dictionary' and our collective take on spiritual goals and purpose.
To check out Feeld, go here: https://feeld.co/
Stay in touch with us on our socials: @DesiBoyzNOW (Twitter) & @DesiBoyzOfficial (Telegram)
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