Desi Boyz


Akira & Sam Season 4 Episode 6

Let's light ourselves up! 

No, no....not talking about setting ourselves on fire for a woman (like some movie heroes do), but lighting our inner passions on fire! 

Yes, this episode is THAT episode which talks about driving your passions to fully form your purpose. Answer these questions to yourselves while listening to this episode:

a) What makes you happy?
b) What really makes you want to give it your all?
c) What would you do for your true passion to come true?

Join Sam and I as we explore my childhood dream of being an astronaut, Sam's passion for systems, our combined desire to live life fully and with total, unapologetic happiness! 


Comment on this episode through our socials: @DesiBoyzNOW (Twitter) & @DesiBoyzOfficial (Telegram)

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